Gaulish Declension

The following is a collection of attested nominal declensions in Gaulish, from Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise (2003) by X. Delamarre. It is important to review the attested evidence in order to observe their frequency, context, and other data, as well as to account for chronological and dialectal differences, and to compare against Proto-Celtic or other reconstructions. Also note that some sources (like the Larzac tablet) may have anomalous forms or some literary Latin influence that demands further study (e.g. bnanom).

Nominative singular


Masculine: 1. -os > 2. (late) -o

  1. Albanos (Grauf.), Andecamulos Toutissicnos (L-11), antumnos (Larzac), Arijos (L-12), Bratronos (L-6), Cantlos (Coligny), Cernunos (L-14), Crispos (L-16), Εβουρος (G-88), Iccanos (L-9), lekatos (E-5), Licnos Contextos (L-10, Rextugenos, Riuros (Coligny), Σεγομαρος, Siluanos, Tanotalos (E-1), Taruos (L-14), tuθos decametos (Grauf., Uabros (L-15) Ουμβρου-μαρος (G-27), Ουιλλονεος (G-153), etc.

  2. Aneuno Oclicno (L-4), Peroco (L-7), ulano

Neuter: -on

brictom (Larzac), donicon (? Larzac), extincon (? Lezoux), meíon...ollon (Cham.), ]ramedon (L-16), reguccambion (Cham., acc. ?), tiopritom (Larzac)

A-stems: -a

Αδιατουσσια (G-107 b.), Adiega (Larzac), Adsagsona (Larzac), Buscilla (L-79), dona (Larzac), Ελουισσα (G-121), geneta, Μαγεσιλλα (G-193), Rufena Casta (Larzac), Seuera Tertionicna (Larzac), Ουενιτοουτα (G-106), etc.

U-stems: -us

Δαγο-λιτους (G-271), Esus (L-14), Λουγους (G-159), molatus (Lezoux), Trigaranus (L-14)


Masculine / Feminine: -is

autagis (Grauf.) Boudilatis (L-2), Koisis (E-5), Martialis (L-13), Ναμαυσατις (G-153), Τανχο-λατις (G-72)

Neuter: -e (-i)

brace, Condate, Briuate, broge, curmi, -rate


Masculine / Feminine: -u

Δολου (G-149), Κοννου (G-184), Frontu (L-3), Ουογιτιωυ (? G-251)

Neuter: -an

amman (? Coligny), garman (?), Menman-, toncnaman (Cham.)

R-stems: -ir

duxtir, matir (Larzac)

Plosive stems:

  • t: Ατεσθας (G-3), Cinges, Esu-mopas, Uelets (?, L-99)
  • k: Names in ρειξ, -ριξ, -uix
  • p: exsops (Cham.)

Vocative singular

O-stems: -e

Adiantunne (L-127), gnate (Lezoux), gnat' (Chât.), Papissone (Chât.)

A-stems: -a

Dagomotta, geneta, gnatha, Maternia (?), Taurina

R-stems: -er

ater (Chât.)

Accusative singular

O-stems: 1. -on > 2. -o (late)

  1. antom (E-2), buđđuton imon, Lucion Floron Nigrinon adgarion Aemiliíon Claudíon Legitunon Caelion (Cham.), canecosedlon (L-10), cantalon (L-9), celicnon (L-13), glion (?, Marcellus), Νεμητον (G-153), papon (Lezoux), pennon (L-136), reguccambion (Cham.) uertamon (L-49), Ulationicnom (Larzac), u[-]etlon (L-14)
  2. andoedo, duorico (L-17), leucutio (L-6), Lucijo (L-12)

A-stems: 1. -an (archaic), then 2. -in (-im) > -i

  1. lokan (E-5), ματιχαν[ ? (G-151)
  2. Andagin (Bath, Auciticnim (Larzac), beni (Chât.) exuertinin (L-127, formi (L-23, 5b), liciatim (Larzac), lissatim (Larzac), rodatim (Larzac), seuerim Tertionicnim (Larzac)

I-stems: -in

aruerriíatin (Cham.), ratin (L-3), Ucuetin (L-13), ]ατιν (G-212)

Consonant stems: -em ?? (but probably *-an)

materem (Larzac)

Genitive singular

O-stems: -i

ateknati trutikni (E-5), Cantli (Coligny), Dannotali (L-13), Equi (Coligny), Εσχεγγολατι (G-13), Gisaci (L-16), nepi (Larzac), Riuri (Coligny), Samoni (Coligny), Sauni (L-70), Segomari (L-133)

A-stems: 1. -as (archaic), then 2. -ias

  1. Αλισοντεας (G-224), toutas (E-1), Bristas (L-74)
  2. Abesias (Larzac), Adiegias (larzac), Argentias (L-130), Banonias (Larzac), Δοννιας (G-241), Flatucias (Larzac), liđatias (Larzac), Ματεριας (G-245), Paullias (Larzac), Sullias (L-22), [Σο]υνουχιας (G-247), tigontias (acc. plur. ? Larzac), uidluias (Larzac)

U-stems: -os ( = -ōs < -ous)

luxtos (Grauf.), gussou(s) (?Lezoux), nantou(s) (L-43), Penne-locos (NL)

Consonant stems: -os

andernados (Larzac), Ualentos (Larzac)

Dative singular

O-stems: 1. -ui (old) > 2. -u (late)

  1. Αδγεννουι (G-208), Αλα[-]εινουι (G-206), Βαλαυδουι Μαχχαριουι (G-120), Brogdui (ptuj), Ονναχουι (G-122), Εσχιγγοριουι (G-70), Ουατιοουνουι (G-154), Ουερετο-μαρε[ο]υι (G-147), [ι]λιουει (G-151)
  2. Anualonnacu (L-10), Alisanu (L-133), Βελενο (G-28, for *Βελεινου), celicnu (L-51), Certiognu (Lezoux), Eluontiu (L-4), Magalu (L-79), Μεδου (G-279), papu (Lezoux), tongilu (L-69)

A-stems: 1. -ai then > 2. -e > -i

  1. Ανεχται (G-124), Εσχεγγαι Βλανδοουιχουνιαι (G-146), Εσχιγγαι (G-135), Νερεσται Ουνιαι (G-152), Τοουτουνιαι (G-163)
  2. Atesmerti (L-83), Βηλησαμι (G-153), Brigindone (L-9), clebíli (L-68), pape, papi (Lezoux) Rigani Rosmerti(ac) (L-67), Uxoune (L-77), Uixuuioni (? L-125)

U-stems: -ou

gussou (? Lezoux), Ταρανοου (G-27), Ουογιτωυ (?, G-251), ]σοου (?, G-212)

I-stems: -e

Κρειτε (G-213), luge (? Cham.), Ucuete (L-13)

Plosive stems: -i

Ατεμαγουτι (G-122), Epadatextorici (L-6), Μαγουρειγι (G-121)

Instrumental singular

O-stems: -u

βρατου ? (G-27, 28, 64, 66, 206, etc., doubtful, = more likely βρατου-), celicnu (dative ? L-51), Κομμου Εσχεγγιλου (G-154), sindiu (Coligny), sunartiu (Chamalières)

Locative singular (?)

O-stems: -e

in Alixie (L-79), in dore core (Chât.), uo derce (? Larzac), in sinde (Larzac), suante (Chât.), teme uelle (? Chât.)

Nominative plural


Masculine: 1. (archaic) -oi > then 2. -i

  1. ιεμουριοι (G-163), Tanotaliknoi (E-5), Ταουτανοι (G-276), Ουενιχοι (G-279)
  2. Aresequani (L-12), Aricani (Grauf.)

Neuter: -a

linda (L-50), onobia (L-51)

A-stems: -(i)as

licuias, pannas (Grauf.)

U-stems: -oues

Lugoues, cf. Co-medouis (Latin dat. pl.)


Masc.-Fem.: -is, -eis ?

Νιτιοβογεις (G-275), treis

Neuter: -ia

anatia (Larzac), peculia

Consonant stems

Animate: -es

eurises (L-14), materes (Larzac), tidres (Grauf.)

Neuter: -a

anuana (Larzac)

Accusative plural

O-stems: -us

catillus (Grauf.), mortarus (Grauf.) tuddus (Grauf.)

A-stems: -as

artuaš (E-5), billicotas rebellias (L-52), indas mnas ueronadas brictas (Larzac), caunonnas

Genitive plural

O-stems: -on

anderon (Cham.), andedion (Cham.), batoron (Lezoux), dijuion (Cham.), neddamon (L-50), teuoxtonion (E-2)

A-stems: -anon

bnanom (Larzac), eianon (eianom) (Larzac)

I-stems: -ion

briuatiom (L-3)

R-stems: -ron

Ματρον (Istre)

Dative plural

O-stems: -obo ?

Rudiobo ?, aganntobo (L-15), corobo ? (Chât.)

A-stems: -abo

Ανδοουναβο (G-83), Γλανειχαβο (G-64), Ναμαυσιχαβο (G-203), Ροχλοισιαβο (G-65), [Ου]λατιαβ[ο] (G-184)

R-stems: -rebo

atrebo (L-15), Ματρεβο (G-64, G-203)

Instrumental plural

O-stems: -us

Paullius (Larzac), τοουτιους (? G-153), Trigaranus (? L-14), Uindulus (? Grauf.)

Other stems: -bi, -be

anmanbe (Chât.), argant[—]ebi (Grauf.), banuabi (Negau), eiabi (Larzac), gandobe (Lezoux), gobedbi (L-13), mesamobi (Lezoux), suiorebe (L-6)