Tegos Skrībbātous: a teach screaptra (house of writings) for ancient Celtic polytheism and language.

Situs est omnis dīvīsus in partēs trēs (the site is divided in three parts):

tegos, sanestos, imbas

blog, wiki, mirror

Full PDF thesis can be found here (approx. 28-minute read-time).


In spite of some strides that have been made, Old Celtic plant names are an area of study that has not been developed to its potential. The case of acerabulus (etymon of French érable) is a good example of this, wher...

Herbam quae Gallice... is a Gaulish plant knowledge database named after the common phrase uttered by Classical herbalists and other authors before introducing the Gaulish name of a plant, Marcellus Empiricus (a.k.a. Marcellus Burdigalensis “Marcellus of Bordeaux”) in particular, in his work De ...

The language of the ancient Gauls remains little-known to the general public, with only a modest amount of works available for a popular audience on the subject (virtually none of which can be found in English). So for an Anglophone enthusiast, knowledge of Gaulish can be hard to come by. Luckily, j...